Monday, June 26, 2017

Festival Organic Barcelona

 Festival Organic Barcelona - Yoga and Photo

I simply love these photos I took in Barcelona last month at Festival Organic!
It was such a great event with beautiful souls and activities!
Love and happiness!

  Festival Organic Barcelona - Yoga and Photo

   Festival Organic Barcelona - Yoga and Photo

 Festival Organic Barcelona - Yoga and Photo

 Festival Organic Barcelona - Yoga and Photo

  Festival Organic Barcelona - Yoga and Photo

Monday, June 5, 2017

Lululemon Yoga classes during summer - Duke of York London

One can say summer arrived to London when outdoor yoga classes are taking place 🙌🏼 
Photos taken during a rocket yoga class guided by @hrussellclark & organised by Lululemon Uk.
You can find more information about Lululemon's amazing & free events on their Facebook.

Friday, June 2, 2017

See you on Instagram Yoga and Photo

It has been such an intense period lately! Things are just flowing with the speed of light.
If you are interested in a daily update of what and who I'm photographing both in London and Barcelona, 
I invite you o check out my Instagram account:
Have a lovely weekend XO